Fabric Roman Shades

When looking and thinking about Fabric Roman Shades there is no wondering why they have become popular. When you can literally create your own in no time at all, find any type of design or color that you can imagine, and when the price of this window treatment is much cheaper in comparison this leaves little doubt that all the ideas that you will find here will be a great addition to any home decor.

Fabric Roman Shades

Fabric Roman Shades

The uses are many and the designs and colors are literally endless as they can be conformed to any window size and used in conjunction with any interior home design. The many color options and materials that can be used has made Fabric Roman Shades extremely versatile, stylish, and truly one of the best home decor ideas you will find.

Modern Roman Shades

Modern Roman Shades

How to Make Fabric Roman Shades

If you have been wondering how to make Fabric Roman Shades, then this bit will be for you as this is much easier than you may have thought. One of the biggest reasons why these have become so popular for any home decor is that anyone who can stitch or is willing to enlist the help of any seamstress that can be found online can create them using any type of material, design, or color that you want.

Making Roman Shades

Making Roman Shades

By either using old fabric material such as bed sheets, shirts, a comforter, or even a silk blanket can be turned into any design of roman shades. Also, there are many fabric stores where you can buy cheap fabric to your liking and can custom make fabric roman shades to your very own specifications.

Custom Roman Shades

Custom Roman Shades

When preparing the fabric, it would be wiser to cut it longer and wider then what you actually think you may want the specifications to be. Adding 6 -7 inches onto the height and width gives you a chance to make sure that the size that you cut the fabric will work for you since you can always cut the material down some more, but if cut too short it is kind of difficult to add to without sewing.

Red Fabric Roman Shades

Red Fabric Roman Shades

Easier to Maintain then Other Types of  Window Treatments

Unlike many other forms of window treatment ideas such as Vertical or Venetian blind, fabric roman shades can be washed in the washing machine as long as the materials can be washed in this manner. Blinds for instance can become just as dirty as curtains or shades, but cleaning and maintaining them is much more difficult. All it takes is to take them down, throw them into the washer, dry them in the same manner of other clothing, and in not time the fabric roman shades will look as good as new.

Roman Shades

Roman Shades

Wonderful Attribute to the Home Decor

Fabric Roman Shades is a wonderful attribute to any home decor as the unique nature and the ease to get specifically what you want has made this one of the most popular forms of window treatments. If you are either considering making your own, having roman shades custom made, or are looking for the best deals on roman shades while shopping online you will always get all the information that you could ever need right here on QNUD.

Fabric Roman Shades Pictures Gallery

Posted in Window Treatments

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